Ashtyn Brown Ashtyn Brown

C4 | Rimbaud: This Fugitive Soul

C4 (The Choral Composer-Conducto Collective) and friends present a new, semi-staged operatic work on the life of French poet Arthur Rimbaud.

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Ashtyn Brown Ashtyn Brown

Sculpting the Self: Sexuality and Liberation

As sex ed continues to be demonized, attacked, and suppressed throughout the United States, Mosaic Composers Collective, in collaboration with National Sawdust, presents an evening-length experience exploring sexuality, liberation, reproductive justice, gender, and sexual health. Join us as we present a night of music alongside Equality NY and Brooklyn Harm Reduction Outreach Cooperative (BKHROC).

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Ashtyn Brown Ashtyn Brown

Der Gestanke: Debut

Athos Maelstrom joins ensemble Der Gestanke in its inaugural performance of Arnold Schoenberg’s “Pierrot Lunaire” and three world premieres by Nicholas Tran and Spencer Winell.

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